Useful hotkeys and functions for:

Laptops and keyboards with fewer keys

Here you find some hotkeys for laptops.

DownloadPos1, End, Page down, Page up

On loptops often the keys for Pos1, End, Page down, Page up are missing or it is complicated to enter them.

Click at the download icon above to get some additional hotkeys:

Win + Alt + down Bild rauf
Win + Alt + up Bild runter
Win + Alt + left Pos1
Win + Alt + right Ende
Win + AltGr + up Strg + Bild rauf
Win + AltGr + down Strg + Bild runter
Win + AltGr + left Strg + Pos1
Win + AltGr + right Strg + Ende

AltGr = Alt + Ctrl or the right Alt key
(When importing you can select the hotkeys you need)

DownloadContext menu

On several laptops the key for the context menu is missing. With this hotkey you can press Shift + AltGr or Shift + right Alt to show the (windows) context menu.

DownloadContext menu

Alternative hotkey for the windows context menu: Press at least 300 miliseconds AltGror the right Alt key 

DownloadPos1/Home with long Left, End with long Right

Left, at least 300 millseconds Start of line (Pos1)
Right, at least 300 millseconds: End of line (End)

Installation Instructions:

  1. Click at the according download icon.
  2. Save the file:
    1. Depending on the browser and settings the file will be loaded automatically and the Clipboard Master settings wil be started with the import dialog.
    2. If not:
      In Chrome save the file and the click at the bottom of the brwoser at the file.
      In FireFox accpet "Open with Clipboard Master Settings Dialog".
      In case the browser shows the file contents, please click back and then RIGHT click the download icon and select 'Save as'. After the download start the file e.g. with a double click.
  3. In the Clipboard Master settings press 'OK'.