Useful hotkeys and functions for

Special characters and miscellaneous

Here you can find some hotkeyas which are useful in case you often use special chartacters.


This download contains several hotkeys:

AltGr + C©
AltGr + P£
AltGr + R®
AltGr + Y«
AltGr + X»
AltGr + -
AltGr + 5÷

When importing that file you can unselect hotkeys not required.


DownloadPaste special characters

Special characters and diacrits e.g. ê, ç, ?, ?, ÷ can be iserted via the windows charmap, but this is not very comfortable.
With this hotkey this is now much easier. Press the according (base) character e.g. e for è, é, ê, ? ... or d for ? (delta) and then press the key left to the 1 . On english keyboard this is ` whether on a german keyboard this is ^.

When pressing the according key (e.g. ` or ^ the list will be shown and the first special character of the list is inserted. You can then select another character from the list by repeatingly pressing  ` or ^ or you can use the cursor keys.


Installation Instructions:

  1. Click at the according download icon.
  2. Save the file:
    1. Depending on the browser and settings the file will be loaded automatically and the Clipboard Master settings wil be started with the import dialog.
    2. If not:
      In Chrome save the file and the click at the bottom of the brwoser at the file.
      In FireFox accpet "Open with Clipboard Master Settings Dialog".
      In case the browser shows the file contents, please click back and then RIGHT click the download icon and select 'Save as'. After the download start the file e.g. with a double click.
  3. In the Clipboard Master settings press 'OK'.