Paste CollectionsConvert, Correct
Start collections
by pressing <Ctrl + 2 x C>When this option is activated, pressing Ctrl and then 2 times C starts a collection.
by pressing <Ctrl + 2 x Ins>
When this option is activated, pressing Ctrl and then 2 times Ins starts a collection.
Detect collection automatically
Activate this option to start collections atumatically, e.g. when copying 2 elements without pasting in between.
Copy collections to the windows clipboard
When activated, alle items of the current collection will be copied to the windows clipboard. So, everytime you copy a new item, this itemis added to the collection and then all items of the collection are copiedf to the windows clipboard - with a new line separated.
Paste Order
Same as copy order:
The first items copied will tbe pasted first, then the next item, etc.
Reversed order:
The last item copied,will be inserted first.