Add Flexikey Paste umlauts, special characters, vowels with easeLong pressing of keys
Settings -> Keyboard -> Vowels / special characters/ greek, cyrillic, ....
Ab Version 5.3
How this works:
To enter the french é:
- Press E and keep it pressed
- Press Ctrl
- Press Ctrl repeatedly until the appropriate character is selected
- Release E
You have sometimes to enter e.g. greek, french, german, polish or other characters/symbols?
Then you should activate this function.
Te enter e.g. the french é:
- press E and keep it pressed
- press Ctrl
- press Ctrl again till the appropriate character is selected
- release E
In the settings you can define another key than Ctrl.
You want to paste a symbol or a character you do not knwo to which base letter it might be assign, you may want to define a hotkey to show a list with symbols/special characters.
You can also activate 'long pressing': With this you press a key for e.e. 300 milliseconds and a list with according characters will be shown.
» setting
Möchten Sie Zeichen eingeben, die nicht einem Buchstaben zuzuordnen sind, oder aber Sie den Buchstaben nicht kennen, so nutzen Sie die Hotkey-Funktion 'Umlaute, Sonderzeichen,... einfügen'
Alternativ können Sie auch das 'lange Drücken' aktivieren. Damit erscheint nach längerem Druck auf eine Taste die möglichen Buchstaben.