Replace/Modify Text Convert Number Menu Search With/In Menu 

Calculate Expression

The marked mathematical expression (formula) will be calculated and will be replaced with the result.
e.g. 4+4 will become 8
The following operators and functions are available:
+ - / * % ^ sin cos tan abs sgn log mod 
The following are allowed as brackets:
() {} []
Hexadecimal numbers must be entered with a leading 0x or &h, e.g. 0x20 for 32.

Calculate Expression (Append Result)

The marked mathematical expression (formula) will be calculated and appended with a= .
e.g. 4+4 will become 4+4=8

To/From Hexadecimal
The marked number will be converted from and/or to a hexadecimal number

To/From ASCII Characters
The marked text will be converted into a hexadecimal series and vice versa, e.g. hello to 48616C6C6F.

Edit This Menu
The menu editor will be opened and you can adjust the menu as you wish.